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export const ErrorTypes = {
  // Identifier for a network error (loading error / timeout ...)
  NETWORK_ERROR: 'networkError',
  // Identifier for a media Error (video/parsing/mediasource error)
  MEDIA_ERROR: 'mediaError',
  // EME (encrypted media extensions) errors
  KEY_SYSTEM_ERROR: 'keySystemError',
  // Identifier for a mux Error (demuxing/remuxing)
  MUX_ERROR: 'muxError',
  // Identifier for all other errors
  OTHER_ERROR: 'otherError'

 * @enum {ErrorDetails}
 * @typedef {string} ErrorDetail
export const ErrorDetails = {
  KEY_SYSTEM_NO_KEYS: 'keySystemNoKeys',
  KEY_SYSTEM_NO_ACCESS: 'keySystemNoAccess',
  KEY_SYSTEM_NO_SESSION: 'keySystemNoSession',
  KEY_SYSTEM_LICENSE_REQUEST_FAILED: 'keySystemLicenseRequestFailed',
  // Identifier for a manifest load error - data: { url : faulty URL, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR: 'manifestLoadError',
  // Identifier for a manifest load timeout - data: { url : faulty URL, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  MANIFEST_LOAD_TIMEOUT: 'manifestLoadTimeOut',
  // Identifier for a manifest parsing error - data: { url : faulty URL, reason : error reason}
  MANIFEST_PARSING_ERROR: 'manifestParsingError',
  // Identifier for a manifest with only incompatible codecs error - data: { url : faulty URL, reason : error reason}
  MANIFEST_INCOMPATIBLE_CODECS_ERROR: 'manifestIncompatibleCodecsError',
  // Identifier for a level load error - data: { url : faulty URL, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR: 'levelLoadError',
  // Identifier for a level load timeout - data: { url : faulty URL, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT: 'levelLoadTimeOut',
  // Identifier for a level switch error - data: { level : faulty level Id, event : error description}
  LEVEL_SWITCH_ERROR: 'levelSwitchError',
  // Identifier for an audio track load error - data: { url : faulty URL, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_ERROR: 'audioTrackLoadError',
  // Identifier for an audio track load timeout - data: { url : faulty URL, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  AUDIO_TRACK_LOAD_TIMEOUT: 'audioTrackLoadTimeOut',
  // Identifier for fragment load error - data: { frag : fragment object, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  FRAG_LOAD_ERROR: 'fragLoadError',
  // Identifier for fragment load timeout error - data: { frag : fragment object}
  FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT: 'fragLoadTimeOut',
  // Identifier for a fragment decryption error event - data: {id : demuxer Id,frag: fragment object, reason : parsing error description }
  FRAG_DECRYPT_ERROR: 'fragDecryptError',
  // Identifier for a fragment parsing error event - data: { id : demuxer Id, reason : parsing error description }
  // will be renamed DEMUX_PARSING_ERROR and switched to MUX_ERROR in the next major release
  FRAG_PARSING_ERROR: 'fragParsingError',
  // Identifier for a remux alloc error event - data: { id : demuxer Id, frag : fragment object, bytes : nb of bytes on which allocation failed , reason : error text }
  REMUX_ALLOC_ERROR: 'remuxAllocError',
  // Identifier for decrypt key load error - data: { frag : fragment object, response : { code: error code, text: error text }}
  KEY_LOAD_ERROR: 'keyLoadError',
  // Identifier for decrypt key load timeout error - data: { frag : fragment object}
  KEY_LOAD_TIMEOUT: 'keyLoadTimeOut',
  // Triggered when an exception occurs while adding a sourceBuffer to MediaSource - data : {  err : exception , mimeType : mimeType }
  BUFFER_ADD_CODEC_ERROR: 'bufferAddCodecError',
  // Identifier for a buffer append error - data: append error description
  BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR: 'bufferAppendError',
  // Identifier for a buffer appending error event - data: appending error description
  BUFFER_APPENDING_ERROR: 'bufferAppendingError',
  // Identifier for a buffer stalled error event
  BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR: 'bufferStalledError',
  // Identifier for a buffer full event
  BUFFER_FULL_ERROR: 'bufferFullError',
  // Identifier for a buffer seek over hole event
  BUFFER_SEEK_OVER_HOLE: 'bufferSeekOverHole',
  // Identifier for a buffer nudge on stall (playback is stuck although currentTime is in a buffered area)
  BUFFER_NUDGE_ON_STALL: 'bufferNudgeOnStall',
  // Identifier for an internal exception happening inside hls.js while handling an event
  INTERNAL_EXCEPTION: 'internalException'