* MP4 demuxer
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
import Event from '../events';
const UINT32_MAX = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
class MP4Demuxer {
constructor (observer, remuxer) { = observer;
this.remuxer = remuxer;
resetTimeStamp (initPTS) {
this.initPTS = initPTS;
resetInitSegment (initSegment, audioCodec, videoCodec, duration) {
// jshint unused:false
if (initSegment && initSegment.byteLength) {
const initData = this.initData = MP4Demuxer.parseInitSegment(initSegment);
// default audio codec if nothing specified
// TODO : extract that from initsegment
if (audioCodec == null)
audioCodec = 'mp4a.40.5';
if (videoCodec == null)
videoCodec = 'avc1.42e01e';
const tracks = {};
if ( && {
tracks.audiovideo = { container: 'video/mp4', codec: audioCodec + ',' + videoCodec, initSegment: duration ? initSegment : null };
} else {
if ( = { container: 'audio/mp4', codec: audioCodec, initSegment: duration ? initSegment : null };
if ( = { container: 'video/mp4', codec: videoCodec, initSegment: duration ? initSegment : null };
}, { tracks });
} else {
if (audioCodec)
this.audioCodec = audioCodec;
if (videoCodec)
this.videoCodec = videoCodec;
static probe (data) {
// ensure we find a moof box in the first 16 kB
return MP4Demuxer.findBox({ data: data, start: 0, end: Math.min(data.length, 16384) }, ['moof']).length > 0;
static bin2str (buffer) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buffer);
static readUint16 (buffer, offset) {
if ( {
offset += buffer.start;
buffer =;
const val = buffer[offset] << 8 |
buffer[offset + 1];
return val < 0 ? 65536 + val : val;
static readUint32 (buffer, offset) {
if ( {
offset += buffer.start;
buffer =;
const val = buffer[offset] << 24 |
buffer[offset + 1] << 16 |
buffer[offset + 2] << 8 |
buffer[offset + 3];
return val < 0 ? 4294967296 + val : val;
static writeUint32 (buffer, offset, value) {
if ( {
offset += buffer.start;
buffer =;
buffer[offset] = value >> 24;
buffer[offset + 1] = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
buffer[offset + 2] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
buffer[offset + 3] = value & 0xff;
// Find the data for a box specified by its path
static findBox (data, path) {
let results = [],
i, size, type, end, subresults, start, endbox;
if ( {
start = data.start;
end = data.end;
data =;
} else {
start = 0;
end = data.byteLength;
if (!path.length) {
// short-circuit the search for empty paths
return null;
for (i = start; i < end;) {
size = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(data, i);
type = MP4Demuxer.bin2str(data.subarray(i + 4, i + 8));
endbox = size > 1 ? i + size : end;
if (type === path[0]) {
if (path.length === 1) {
// this is the end of the path and we've found the box we were
// looking for
results.push({ data: data, start: i + 8, end: endbox });
} else {
// recursively search for the next box along the path
subresults = MP4Demuxer.findBox({ data: data, start: i + 8, end: endbox }, path.slice(1));
if (subresults.length)
results = results.concat(subresults);
i = endbox;
// we've finished searching all of data
return results;
static parseSegmentIndex (initSegment) {
const moov = MP4Demuxer.findBox(initSegment, ['moov'])[0];
const moovEndOffset = moov ? moov.end : null; // we need this in case we need to chop of garbage of the end of current data
let index = 0;
let sidx = MP4Demuxer.findBox(initSegment, ['sidx']);
let references;
if (!sidx || !sidx[0])
return null;
references = [];
sidx = sidx[0];
const version =[0];
// set initial offset, we skip the reference ID (not needed)
index = version === 0 ? 8 : 16;
const timescale = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(sidx, index);
index += 4;
// TODO: parse earliestPresentationTime and firstOffset
// usually zero in our case
let earliestPresentationTime = 0;
let firstOffset = 0;
if (version === 0)
index += 8;
index += 16;
// skip reserved
index += 2;
let startByte = sidx.end + firstOffset;
const referencesCount = MP4Demuxer.readUint16(sidx, index);
index += 2;
for (let i = 0; i < referencesCount; i++) {
let referenceIndex = index;
const referenceInfo = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(sidx, referenceIndex);
referenceIndex += 4;
const referenceSize = referenceInfo & 0x7FFFFFFF;
const referenceType = (referenceInfo & 0x80000000) >>> 31;
if (referenceType === 1) {
console.warn('SIDX has hierarchical references (not supported)');
const subsegmentDuration = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(sidx, referenceIndex);
referenceIndex += 4;
subsegmentDuration, // unscaled
info: {
duration: subsegmentDuration / timescale,
start: startByte,
end: startByte + referenceSize - 1
startByte += referenceSize;
// Skipping 1 bit for |startsWithSap|, 3 bits for |sapType|, and 28 bits
// for |sapDelta|.
referenceIndex += 4;
// skip to next ref
index = referenceIndex;
return {
* Parses an MP4 initialization segment and extracts stream type and
* timescale values for any declared tracks. Timescale values indicate the
* number of clock ticks per second to assume for time-based values
* elsewhere in the MP4.
* To determine the start time of an MP4, you need two pieces of
* information: the timescale unit and the earliest base media decode
* time. Multiple timescales can be specified within an MP4 but the
* base media decode time is always expressed in the timescale from
* the media header box for the track:
* ```
* moov > trak > mdia > mdhd.timescale
* moov > trak > mdia > hdlr
* ```
* @param init {Uint8Array} the bytes of the init segment
* @return {object} a hash of track type to timescale values or null if
* the init segment is malformed.
static parseInitSegment (initSegment) {
let result = [];
let traks = MP4Demuxer.findBox(initSegment, ['moov', 'trak']);
traks.forEach(trak => {
const tkhd = MP4Demuxer.findBox(trak, ['tkhd'])[0];
if (tkhd) {
let version =[tkhd.start];
let index = version === 0 ? 12 : 20;
let trackId = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tkhd, index);
const mdhd = MP4Demuxer.findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'mdhd'])[0];
if (mdhd) {
version =[mdhd.start];
index = version === 0 ? 12 : 20;
const timescale = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(mdhd, index);
const hdlr = MP4Demuxer.findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'hdlr'])[0];
if (hdlr) {
const hdlrType = MP4Demuxer.bin2str( + 8, hdlr.start + 12));
let type = { 'soun': 'audio', 'vide': 'video' }[hdlrType];
if (type) {
// extract codec info. TODO : parse codec details to be able to build MIME type
let codecBox = MP4Demuxer.findBox(trak, ['mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsd']);
if (codecBox.length) {
codecBox = codecBox[0];
let codecType = MP4Demuxer.bin2str( + 12, codecBox.start + 16));
logger.log(`MP4Demuxer:${type}:${codecType} found`);
result[trackId] = { timescale: timescale, type: type };
result[type] = { timescale: timescale, id: trackId };
return result;
* Determine the base media decode start time, in seconds, for an MP4
* fragment. If multiple fragments are specified, the earliest time is
* returned.
* The base media decode time can be parsed from track fragment
* metadata:
* ```
* moof > traf > tfdt.baseMediaDecodeTime
* ```
* It requires the timescale value from the mdhd to interpret.
* @param timescale {object} a hash of track ids to timescale values.
* @return {number} the earliest base media decode start time for the
* fragment, in seconds
static getStartDTS (initData, fragment) {
let trafs, baseTimes, result;
// we need info from two childrend of each track fragment box
trafs = MP4Demuxer.findBox(fragment, ['moof', 'traf']);
// determine the start times for each track
baseTimes = [].concat.apply([], (traf) {
return MP4Demuxer.findBox(traf, ['tfhd']).map(function (tfhd) {
let id, scale, baseTime;
// get the track id from the tfhd
id = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tfhd, 4);
// assume a 90kHz clock if no timescale was specified
scale = initData[id].timescale || 90e3;
// get the base media decode time from the tfdt
baseTime = MP4Demuxer.findBox(traf, ['tfdt']).map(function (tfdt) {
let version, result;
version =[tfdt.start];
result = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tfdt, 4);
if (version === 1) {
result *= Math.pow(2, 32);
result += MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tfdt, 8);
return result;
// convert base time to seconds
return baseTime / scale;
// return the minimum
result = Math.min.apply(null, baseTimes);
return isFinite(result) ? result : 0;
static offsetStartDTS (initData, fragment, timeOffset) {
MP4Demuxer.findBox(fragment, ['moof', 'traf']).map(function (traf) {
return MP4Demuxer.findBox(traf, ['tfhd']).map(function (tfhd) {
// get the track id from the tfhd
let id = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tfhd, 4);
// assume a 90kHz clock if no timescale was specified
let timescale = initData[id].timescale || 90e3;
// get the base media decode time from the tfdt
MP4Demuxer.findBox(traf, ['tfdt']).map(function (tfdt) {
let version =[tfdt.start];
let baseMediaDecodeTime = MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tfdt, 4);
if (version === 0) {
MP4Demuxer.writeUint32(tfdt, 4, baseMediaDecodeTime - timeOffset * timescale);
} else {
baseMediaDecodeTime *= Math.pow(2, 32);
baseMediaDecodeTime += MP4Demuxer.readUint32(tfdt, 8);
baseMediaDecodeTime -= timeOffset * timescale;
baseMediaDecodeTime = Math.max(baseMediaDecodeTime, 0);
const upper = Math.floor(baseMediaDecodeTime / (UINT32_MAX + 1));
const lower = Math.floor(baseMediaDecodeTime % (UINT32_MAX + 1));
MP4Demuxer.writeUint32(tfdt, 4, upper);
MP4Demuxer.writeUint32(tfdt, 8, lower);
// feed incoming data to the front of the parsing pipeline
append (data, timeOffset, contiguous, accurateTimeOffset) {
let initData = this.initData;
if (!initData) {
this.resetInitSegment(data, this.audioCodec, this.videoCodec, false);
initData = this.initData;
let startDTS, initPTS = this.initPTS;
if (initPTS === undefined) {
let startDTS = MP4Demuxer.getStartDTS(initData, data);
this.initPTS = initPTS = startDTS - timeOffset;, { initPTS: initPTS });
MP4Demuxer.offsetStartDTS(initData, data, initPTS);
startDTS = MP4Demuxer.getStartDTS(initData, data);
this.remuxer.remux(,, null, null, startDTS, contiguous, accurateTimeOffset, data);
destroy () {}
export default MP4Demuxer;